Friday, December 17, 2010

Flash Photography Hobby?

So if you have been following my posts, most of them have pictures so it is pretty clear I spent some time with a camera, like I needed  new hobby. A few weeks ago I bought a flash for the camera and have had lots of fun with it. I am no professional photographer but have really enjoyed my new Sigma EF-530 DG Super flash. One of the features that I liked about this flash was the ability to strobe, I know with photoshop one could probably create an image similair to the following but I thought this function was quite cool so my resident model and I stepped into the studio to create some magic. The move being performed in the picture is called a Maradona which is because it was created by the soccer legend Diego Maradona. 

My next big adventure was when Rylee said that she had always wanted a picture of herself splashing in a puddle so when a rainy day came along I helped her get that picture she has wanted. Having this big flash was great and now to bounce the light off a wall.

My other favorite feature is that I can use my flash wirelessly meaning it doesn't have to be on my camera pretty basic photography stuff but I am just learning so this was awesome. I have been playing around with this alittle here are some pics of Rylee and some unknown shredders at Pow Mow, enjoy.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

First turns 2010

On black Friday after an eventful morning of shopping, Rylee and I decided it was too nice of a day to not go snowboarding so we loaded up the gear and drove up to Powder Mountain. After waiting in line for an hour to get our pictures for our passes (I hope this is the only line I have to wait in this season) we were out for our first turns. It was a beautiful sunny day so I decided to drag the camera around to catch some of the beauty that is Pow Mow, Enjoy responsibly, I am not liable if you have to excuse yourself from your daily routine to taste some of this bliss first hand.

The view from the Timberline chair.

Saturday, November 13, 2010


Aperture as defined by is an opening, usually circular, that limits the quantity of light that can enter an optical instrument. Today included an adventure in aperture and the optical instrument was my Sony a300 DSLR. The above picture sets the tone for what can be done by adjusting the f/stop or aperature of a camera.

It is November in Utah so it was a little chilly to be bombing down the parkway as you can see with the attire Rylee my longboarding model was rockin'. Thanks Rylee!

Friday, October 22, 2010

Photu-tu Shoot

My daughters #1 Rylee and #2 Kinlee both have tu-tus and they wanted to go out for a photo shoot. Like most of our picture taking adventures we spent some time in downtown Ogden along with a few other stops. This gave me an opporitunity to play with some new filters for my new wide angle lens. Enjoy the pics.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Dew tour 9/18/2010

Saturday morning began Rylee and my first trip to the Dew Tour. I know how can that be, I have skated most of my life but haven't been to the Dew tour until now. There has always been something else going on Soccer games work something that kept us from going, but not this year and probably never again.
We splurged for the action zone tickets and let me tell you it was worth it. The day started with a tour of the facility from behind the scenes we got to walk the bike park and stand on the vert ramp. You get free Pepsi products all day (while supplies last) and they have that disclaimer because half way through the day the Mountain Dew and Pepsi were gone. These seats were the best in the house next to being a competitor or media standing on the course. Our before the gates open tour ended with us watching practice for the Gatorade Free Flow tour at the skate park. The free flow tour is for amateurs and it was very exciting to see the level these guys skate at, amazing.
The best part of the day was watching the Dew Tour skate park final getting to see P-Rod, Chaz Ortiz, Greg Lutzka, Ryan Sheckler, Ryan Decenzo and many more skate was incredible.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Pinstriping 1956 Ford Kustom

So last week my friend Adam from APG customs in Tooele called me asking if I could come out and pinstripe a car at his shop, now if you know Adam he is normally working on a pretty cool project so when he explained that the car was an old kustom from the Tooele area I was excited. If you are wondering why when I reference the car I spell kustom with a K it is because this is a certain style of custom car. These cars normally have extensive body modifications and sometimes outrageous paint jobs, this one is no exception. The car is covered in a House of Kolor Kandy tangerine and then has traditional style flames over the hood, tops of the front fenders and down the door bottoms. There is also quite a bit of pinstriping is why I had the opportunity to get involved with this project. See the car is driven (as all cars should be) and had an unfortunate run in with some deer, so I needed to match the old pinstriping to the areas that were repaired and got to add my own piece to the front of the hood and outlined the flames. Thanks Adam for the chance to work on this car.